Altes Plaza

Altes Plaza is a unique house estate De Luxe class project that has no analogies in the region. Altes Plaza is a unique residential estate that took as a basis the examples of the best 5–star hotels and managed to get 55 features of Altes Construction. The luxury and magnificence of the complex strike even at the entry to Altes Plaza. One can enjoy paved footpaths, flower beds, a fountain made of granite. The grand entrance from façade one more time points out the status of the house.
The complex is an “intellectual house” that provides a centralized management of the lifts, digital voice communications, high-speed lifts Mitsubishi (2.5 m/sec), a 4-canal conditioning and heating system, the supply of filtered fresh air and other amenities for the comfort living.
The dwellers and guests of Altes Plaza can enjoy the twenty-four-hour services of the high-qualified staff of the complex, restaurant, gym and the underground and guest parking. There is also a laundry, dry-cleaning and a car wash under the complex.
Besides the elite De Luxe class flats, Altes Plaza can offer exclusive flats and a 3-storey penthouse with a separate lift. In the building of the complex only the most progressive technologies and qualitative building materials are used; the newest engineering developments are intruded. The complex is equipped with the special double-glazed windows “Sait Gobain” with the argon gas.
Altes Plaza is the elite housing complex the quality of which is guaranteed by the specialized international company SGS which is the world leader in the sphere of quality control.
The plans of Altes Construction include the equipment of the house with the intellectual systems that would rightfully allow calling Altes Plaza an ‘intellectual house’. At the current stage the tender among the suppliers of the ‘intellectual’ equipment is being hold. The supplier that would be considered the best is to introduce a plan-project in correspondence with the equipment he offers. The introduced project would be sent to the Prague office of SGS to check out whether it meets the international standards requirements.
As far as the question of the details of intellectual house Altes Plaza is going to possess, one should admit that there is a minimal block of our requirements.
The intellectualization is going to be divided into 2 parts:
One should mention that the company is going to create a basic version of the intellectual systems providing its upgrade according to the client’s desires.
Altes Plaza 5 features
First and foremost every building should secure and comfortable. But nevertheless there is one more important feature it is beauty. It creates mood and brings inspiration. It is beauty that makes architecture an art. Altes Plaza is a large-scale, stable but also a sky-rocket building every element of which suits its shape. The elite fasade covering made from ceramic granite, panoramic glass paintings that open a great city view, grand lightning of the fasade and a well chosen place create the beauty that can be seen from many places of Baku.
When one sees Altes Plaza for the first time he or she is struck by the unique shape of the building. The building resembles posh sails of a large brigantine. Unrepeatable architecture of Altes Plaza will help it to stand out in Baku skyline and will rightfully make it one of the symbols of the capital. The unique design of the building is the guarantee of the liquidity of your funds. Uniqueness is always highly prized.
Comfort is one of the major criteria that defines the level and status of modern house estate. The high rates reached by Altes Plaza allow its dwellers to rest greatly from everyday routine and hustle and bustle of modern life. Take for example the ventilation system with the supply of fresh filtered air of normal temperature in every flat. The joy got from the constant supply with the fresh air to the apartments can be described, it should be felt. 4-canal conditioning and heating system is the system that includes heat and cold at one time and can cater for the tastes of even the most capricious dwellers. Six exclusive, spacious (1000 kg), high-speed (25 m/sec) lifts from Mitsubishi with the marble floor and direct-drive engine would create the feeling of space and joy. An open swimming-pool, gym and a central entrance hall are required for the hotel atmosphere. A three-store underground car parking with a car wash would help you not to bother your head with the cleanliness of your car. Altes Plaza is situated far from the noise, traffic jams, and stuffiness of the city in the lower part of Baku amphitheatre.
Modern building in Baku can boast of the wide usage of more and more difficult and perfect project decisions, increasing the number of floors and erecting buildings with interesting construction decisions. Herewith the requirements for quality have increased. When building, the company uses the most progressive technique equipment and uses an effective system of quality control. It has an international guarantee for projecting and building the total control realized by the Swiss company SGS. Qualitative Belgian double-glazed windows with argon provide maximum defence from outer world International standard of the central systems of water filtration do a lot of good for healthy living.
Those who love prestige and high quality of life are sure to value the unique architecture image, inner layout organization and the equipment of Altes Plaza. It is these qualities that are defining for expensive high-quality house estate. Today having a house estate in Altes Plaza speaks for the high status of its owner. Apartments in Altes Plaza is not merely an expensive elite estate, it is the sign of a special lifestyle. Three-storey Penthouse with a separate hall, lift and entrance points out the status of the house and adds special pomposity
55 features of Altes Plaza